by Dennis Hauth | Jan 23, 2020 | refresh, Renew, Rescue
These words I came across on a Portland gallery window have meaning on many levels. And among them, I felt they expressed my goals for Brave New Wood: Rescue, Refresh, and Renew. Goals for a new year!
by Dennis Hauth | Aug 20, 2019 | Bed, Rescue, teak
Two finials that attach to two columns, four all together making a 4 poster bed. These two, at 12”, were at the tops of the 48” columns , that were already 24” above the floor, as they were part of the headboard. 7 feet tall, and when it fell over, this was some of...
by Dennis Hauth | Jul 8, 2019 | Chair, Rescue, Upholstery
After revealing the wood in all it’s natural glory, I wanted to stain it, but something a little differently. I used a process known as ebonizing, which uses a common acetic acid(vinegar),and iron oxide, (steel wool). Combined, they react to the natural tannins in...
by Dennis Hauth | Jul 2, 2019 | Chair, Rescue, Restoration
Here’s a chair that came from a good home, but had suffered a LOT of neglect. An oldie, mid-century, (original fabric), looks like the wood species is elm. You don’t see a lot of that in the West, but I have seen it often in antique Asian furniture. First thing,...
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